Hoodia Review
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Weight Loss
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Hoodia Gordonii: What are the Side Effects?
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Weight Loss
Prior to the market debut of the Hoodia Gordonii, it went through extensive research and development. Studies conducted on this product found that helps in

the restriction of caloric intake up to one thousand calories a day by suppressing appetite.

As to date, there are no documented cases of harmful side effects in those who supplemented their diet with Hoodia Gordonii. There have been a few rumors

that some experienced a “mild aphrodisiac and mood increase”. “Fat burners” which include Hoodia Gordonii contain the element known as “P57”, which is

thought to be responsible for the hunger suppression.

Recently the popularity of Hoodia Gordonii has increased greatly. It is sometimes overlooked that Hoodia has been used for centuries. The Bushmen tribe

consumes Hoodia Cactus while on long hunting expeditions in the Kalahari Desert, to restrict thirst and hunger. As a result, they are not only suppressing

hunger and thirst, but also increasing their strength.

Hoodia Gordonii is known to be an impartial product on the global market. To date, it is known to be the most effective appetite suppressant produced.

Consumers desire a clean, potent product and there are only a few companies’ that offer a product that meets this standard.

The increase of public interest has soared the popularity if this product. Individuals, who are considering starting a new weight loss or management program,

may greatly benefit from the new Gordonii compound.

Many consumers that are seeking to find an effective product that will suppress hunger and thirst to aid in weight loss have insisted that Hoodia supplements

are the answer.

There are about twenty Hoodia plants. Hoodia Gordonii is just one of them. However, it is the only one that is an appetite suppressant that will aid in

weight loss. Unlike other so called “appetite suppressants” on the market that have harmful side effects, Hoodia Gordonii has no known side effects.

If you are thinking of adding Hoodia Gordonii to your weight loss or management program, check with your doctor prior to making any changes in your diet and

exercise program. A carefully planned weight loss program is more probable to be followed, thus leading to success.   

What is pure hoodia gordonii? Weight loss expert Philip McDonald explains how Hoodia Gordonii Plus could help you loose weight.

Posted by hoodiasupply at 8:28 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 13 November 2008 2:41 AM EST
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Hoodia Liquid Extract Vs Hoodia Pill
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Weight Loss
A lot of informative published materials are there to appreciate the Hoodia  Gordonii and its astonishing ability to kill your hunger through its active  

ingredient. But little has been discussed about the different forms by which  you can take Hoodia such as tablets, pills, powder, liquid or even as a tea and

 which one of these forms is the best to take.

Which One is the Best?

If you are planning to take Hoodia Gordonii through tablets or pills,  you may be surprised to know that you usually absorb some where between 2-20 %  of its

dietary value. Why is this? Well! There are silent ingredients called  ‘binders’, which are included to the Hoodia throughout the manufacturing stages  in

order to hold the pills or tablets to together. When you consume the final  product and take Hoodia as a tablet or pill, your body has no choice but to  

reverse the whole process. Many people find it cumbersome for breaking down and  absorbing Gordonii supplements as pills becomes a real challenge to their  


On the other hand, Hoodia in a liquid form can be absorbed almost  immediately, and the majority of people will experience its effects in just a  few minutes

after swallowing it. Liquid Hoodia has a superior absorption rate as  opposed to the pill/tablet while it can provide you with the same or better  results

than the pill or tablet even at a lower dosage.

A comparative  study shows:

a) Liquid form of Hoodia Gordonii is much easier to  take in, whereas tablets and capsules can be difficult to swallow for both  minors and older people.

b) The liquid Hoodia absorbs immediately into  your blood system, which helps you feel its effect almost instantaneously, while  capsules and tablets can

take a few hours to experience minimal  effect.

When you intend to experience Hoodia Gordonii, consider having  in the liquid form for maximum results.

What are the side effects of Hoodia liquid extract? Weight loss expert Philip McDonald explains the hoodia weight loss plan.

Posted by hoodiasupply at 8:23 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 13 November 2008 2:42 AM EST
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Hoodia review - Does hoodia work for weight loss?
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Weight Loss
What you need to know about hoodia gordonii. Hoodia gordonii (pronounced HOO-dee-ah) is also called hoodia, xhooba,  !khoba, Ghaap, hoodia cactus, and South

African desert cactus.

Hoodia is a cactus that's causing a stir for its ability to suppress appetite  and promote weight loss. 60 Minutes, ABC, and the BBC have all done stories on

 hoodia. Hoodia is sold in capsule, liquid, or tea form in health food stores and  on the Internet. Hoodia gordonii can be found in the semi-deserts of South

 Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and Angola. Hoodia grows in clumps of green upright  stems and is actually a succulent, not a cactus. It takes about 5 years

before  hoodia's pale purple flowers appear and the cactus can be harvested. Although  there are 20 types of hoodia, only the hoodia gordonii variety is

believed to  contain the natural appetite suppressant.

Although hoodia was "discovered" relatively recently, the San Bushmen of the  Kalahari desert have been eating it for a very long time. The Bushmen, who live

 off the land, would cut off part of the hoodia stem and eat it to ward off  hunger and thirst during nomadic hunting trips. They also used hoodia for severe

 abdominal cramps, haemorrhoids, tuberculosis, indigestion, hypertension and  diabetes.

In 1937, a Dutch anthropologist studying the San Bushmen noted that they used  hoodia to suppress appetite. But it wasn't until 1963 when scientists at the  

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa's national  laboratory, began studying hoodia. Initial results were promising -- lab

animals  lost weight after taking hoodia.

The South African scientists, working with a British company named  Phytopharm, isolated the active ingredient in hoodia, a steroidal glycoside,  which they

named p57. After getting a patent in 1995, they licensed p57 to  Phytopharm. Phytopharm has spent more than $20 million on hoodia research.

Eventually pharmaceutical giant Pfizer (makers of Viagra) caught wind of  hoodia and became interested in developing a hoodia drug. In 1998, Phytopharm  

sub-licensed the rights to develop p57 to Pfizer for $21 million. Pfizer  recently returned the rights to hoodia to Phytopharm, who is now working with  


What you need to know about hoodiaHoodia appears to suppress appetiteMuch of the buzz about hoodia  started after 60 minutes correspondent Leslie Stahl and

crew traveled to Africa  to try hoodia. They hired a local Bushman to go with them into the desert and  track down some hoodia. Stahl ate it, describing it

as "cucumbery in texture,  but not bad." She lost the desire to eat or drink the entire day. She also  didn't experience any immediate side effects, such as

indigestion or heart  palpitations. Stahl concluded, "I'd have to say it did work."

In animal studies, hoodia is believed to reduce caloric intake by 30 to 50  percent. There is one human study showing a reduced intake of about 1000  

calories per day. However, I haven't been able to find either study to actually  read for myself and am going on secondhand reports.

Can a diet hoodia gordonii pill help you loose weight? Find more information from weight loss expert Philip McDonald on Hoodia Gordonii Plus.

Is the hoodia pill the miracle pill you have been searching for? Read a detailed hoodia review weight loss expert Philip McDonald.

Posted by hoodiasupply at 8:19 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 13 November 2008 2:45 AM EST
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